ASP Power Widgets (tm) 1.1 1. The purpose of the program. ASP Power Widgets(tm) is a software package targeted for web developers of Microsoft Personal Web Server and Internet Information Server. This release consists of four ActiveX DLLs, one executable and sample ASP application scripts. More and more components would be released soon. File/Directory Checks existence of files/directories, Management copies/renames/removes files/directories, lists Product ID 100 directories, changes attributes and reads/writes files, checks disk space, reads file info such as last access time, etc. Mail Sends mails from ASP with great easy. Management Reads and sends files directly. Product ID 100 Sends attachments. Specifies special mail header fields. MIME 1.0 compliant. FileUpload Seamlessly works with ASP scripts. Product ID 100 Supports multiple file uploading at a time. Supports user session authentication(CGI EXE version). Supports User disk quota and uploading file type control. Memory consumption is low while uploading large files. Two versions included. FUpload - ActiveX version. FileUpload - CGI EXE version. DnsQuery DnsQuery Component sends your query to interNic Whois Product ID 110 server and returns you the response. Moreover, it will try to parse the response and let you get specific fields such as administrative email, etc. You can use this component to check if a domain name such as has been taken or not. DnsQuery Component is especially useful for those Virtual Domain hosts. ASP Power Widgets enables you to build internet/intranet applications with great easy. And what you have to pay is amazingly low. Download and enjoy it right now. 2. How to install the program Use winzip to unzip it first. Then copy files to their respective directories. For example, contains: + | +------asp | +------cgi-bin Copy files in cgi-bin directory to your own /cgi-bin directory. Copy ASP demo scripts in asp directory to your wwwroot directory. Manually run regsvr32.exe to register the components( for ActiveX Dlls only). For example, register MailMgt.Dll by typing "regsvr32 Mailmgt.dll". Furthermore, on your server, you must have installed VB5 virtual machine already. VB5 virtual machine can be downloaded at: Review ASP demo scripts and make some necessary changes. Then you can try the ASP demo files. For file uploading, you can type http://your_server/fileupload.asp in your browser. 3. The status of the program ASP Power Widgets is available for a 30 day, full functional evaluation period. To continue to use the system beyond that expiry date you must purchase a registration code. You are encouraged to make a full evaluation before purchasing, since money-refunding is costly to us and thus normally would be refused. 4. The distribution of the program. This full functional evaluation program can be distributed freely. 5. How to contact the author. Registering: Tech Support: Dalun Software Inc. Copyright © 1997-1998. All rights reserved.